Then God said. . . . And so it happened.
We are surrounded by words. There are our own words; the conversations going on around us; and the words spoken on television, radio talk shows, commercials, and podcasts. But God’s words are different. They have divine power, and they make things happen.
Just think. God spoke, and the earth, seas, stars, and all of creation came to be. His words are powerful enough to bring something out of nothing. Not only did life arise when he spoke then, but it continues in the great expanse of life that we see around us every day. And just as he spoke then, God continues to speak now. His words are just as life giving and filled with promise and hope.
How does God speak? Look at the Scriptures for some examples. He called childless Abraham and promised him countless descendants (Genesis 17), and it happened. He called Elijah to be a prophet and bring King Ahab back to God (1 Kings 18), and it happened. Jesus spoke over the loaves and fish to feed the multitude (Mark 6:41-44), and it happened. Jesus spoke healing and forgiveness to people in need, and it happened. And don’t forget that God spoke your name, and you happened.
In every sacrament, God speaks words that bring you grace for the journey. Count on it: regardless of how you might feel, what you might perceive, or even what you want, God’s word is still making things happen. In Confession, when you hear I absolve you of your sins, your guilt is actually removed, and you receive freedom and grace. At Mass, when the priest says, This is my body, given for you, the bread actually becomes the Body of Christ. When you go to receive Communion and hear The Body of Christ, you are hearing the divine, powerful truth that Jesus is right there before you in the Host, waiting to fill your heart with his presence.
The next time you hear God’s words, expect that something will happen. God’s word is powerful. Let him accomplish something great in you.
“Lord God, it is your words that bring me life. Open my ears to hear your voice. Open my heart to receive your grace.”
Psalm 104:1-2, 5-6, 10, 12, 24, 35
Mark 6:53-56
Genesis 1:1-19
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