Saint Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church

They were astonished at his teaching because he spoke with authority.

At times, Jesus taught his listeners in a rabbinical fashion: asking questions to try to draw out a conclusion from them. At other times, he taught with parables—using simple stories to impart deeper concepts. But no matter how he taught, Jesus spoke “with authority and power” (Luke 4:36). Look at today’s Gospel. We see a man with an unclean spirit interrupting Jesus in a rather violent way. Not one to be put off, Jesus addressed the situation directly, commanding the demon, “Be quiet! Come out of him!” (4:35). And the demon did just that.

When Jesus spoke, his words made things happen! Not only in today’s account, but at many other times as well. For example, when he spoke to a fig tree, it withered (Mark 11:14, 20-21). When he spoke to a centurion, the man’s servant was healed (Luke 7:2-10). And when he told Lazarus to come out of his tomb, the dead man came back to life (John 11:43-44).

Jesus’ words are not only for teaching us and imparting wisdom. They have power to bring real change in our lives. So when you hear the word of God at Mass or read the Bible in your prayer time, you are not just receiving instructions for living well. You are receiving words that have the potential to leave you “amazed,” as the people were in today’s Gospel (Luke 4:36). You are receiving words that can change your life.

What do you need today? Are you anxious about your future? You can take Jesus’ words, “It is I. Do not be afraid” (John 6:20), and let them wash over your soul. Do you need assurance that the Lord has taken you by the hand? You can ponder his promise, “I am the good shepherd [who] lays down his life for the sheep (10:11). Is guilt from the past still eating at you? You can hear Jesus say to you, “Neither do I condemn you” (8:11) and be set free from shame.

It’s true that Jesus wants to lead you in truth and wisdom. But he also wants to heal you and deliver you and fill you with his grace and power. He wants to speak to you—today!

“Jesus, help me experience the power of your word today.”

1 Corinthians 2:10-16
Psalm 145:8-14
Luke 4:31-37


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