This is how you are to pray.
Have you ever wondered if you’re praying “correctly”? For example, you might be unsure of how long you should pray or how to get rid of distractions. Maybe you’d like to know the best way to begin and end your prayer. But rather than give us a specific set of instructions, Jesus taught us a way to pray that both reveals God’s heart to us and invites us to attune our hearts to his (Matthew 6:7-15).
By beginning with “Our Father” (Matthew 6:9), we acknowledge who God is: a Father who loves us more than any earthly father ever could. How he must delight in hearing us, his beloved children, address him as Abba, or “Daddy”!
When we pray “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done” (Matthew 6:10), we are aligning our hearts with God’s because his greatest desire is to see his kingdom flourish on earth. And while building his kingdom is primarily his work, he invites us to cooperate with him by doing what he asks of us, whatever that might be.
Next, because he knows his Father’s compassion and care for us, Jesus invites us to ask God for “our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11). He wants us to trust God to give us bread that nourishes our bodies as well as bread from heaven to strengthen us in spirit.
Jesus also knows the depths of God’s mercy for us, so he invites us to repent of our sins each time we pray (Matthew 6:12). And when we forgive others, we are doing what God has already done for us. Not only that, but we are taking on the merciful heart of our heavenly Father (6:12).
Finally, when we ask God to “deliver us from evil” (Matthew 6:13), we are acknowledging his might, power, and victory over sin. The more we understand this truth, the more we will rely on him whenever we are confronted with temptation.
Today, pray the Our Father slowly. With each petition, think about how it reveals God’s heart. Don’t worry if you are praying “correctly.” Just praise God with all your heart for his never-ending love, compassion, and mercy for you!
“Jesus, may my prayer today lead me to the heart of the Father.”
Matthew 6:7-15
Isaiah 55:10-11
Psalm 34:4-7, 16-19