This story has circulated among the Jews to the present day.

The chief priests knew something supernatural had happened. The guards’ account of an earthquake, an angel, and an empty tomb all pointed in that direction. Still, they decided to circulate a different story: that the apostles came at night and stole Jesus’ dead body. And as Matthew tells us today, this story was still in circulation when he wrote his Gospel some forty or fifty years later.

On one level, the chief priests’ story was far more believable than the apostles’ insistence that Jesus had risen from the dead. But we all know that over time the apostles’ account proved to be more convincing. But why, especially when a much more “reasonable” explanation was available?

Because it was true! The apostles actually did see the risen Christ—and not just once, but many times (Acts 1:3). And not just the Twelve, but upwards of five hundred believers (1 Corinthians 15:6). They were so convinced, in fact, that many of them chose to face persecution and death rather than deny what they had seen and heard.

What made these men and women so firm in their testimony? The fact that they didn’t just “see” the risen Jesus. They had life-giving encounters with him! They experienced divine mercy when he said, “Peace be with you,” even after they had abandoned him (John 20:19). They experienced divine revelation as he “opened their minds to understand the scriptures” (Luke 24:45). And they experienced divine love as their hearts burned within them in his presence (24:32). Those encounters changed their lives.

Mercy. Revelation. Love. These stories of encounter with the Lord always win out because they’re true! They win out because the same encounters are available to each and every person!

Christ is risen. This is the true and life-changing story you have been baptized into. This is your spiritual inheritance. So why not devote this Easter Season to seeking out the risen Lord? Tell Jesus you want to encounter him more deeply in the coming weeks.

Jesus really is risen. And he wants to reveal himself to you.

“Lord Jesus, open my heart so that I can encounter you today!”

Acts 2:14, 22-33
Psalm 16:1-2, 5, 7-11
Matthew 28:8-15


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