Saint John of Capistrano, Priest (Optional Memorial)

. . . to distribute the food allowance at the proper time. 

The master of the house will return at an unexpected time, Jesus warns. So a wise servant will make sure he is doing what he is supposed to be doing when his master gets home.

Jesus uses this parable to help his disciples understand how to prepare for his own return in glory. But notice that the master in the parable praises “the faithful and prudent steward” who is working “to distribute the food allowance” when the master returns (Luke 12:42). The master is pleased because the steward is distributing food to the other servants. He is pleased to find his servant taking care of people. That’s his job.

Jesus told this parable only to his disciples, so it’s likely meant to apply mainly to those in positions of ministry (Luke 12:41). Jesus expects them to be shepherds like himself, serving rather than dominating everyone.

But in another sense, this parable is for you, no matter your position. God has given you a role to play in his household, and you, too, have been called to share the “food allowance” he has entrusted to you.

So what might this food allowance be? Think about the grace that God has given to you—the gifts, the insights, the talents, even your possessions. That’s what he’s asking you to share.

All around you there are hungry people. They may be hungry for physical food or hungry for love, yearning for God’s mercy or longing for his presence. God has placed them in your life so that you can “feed [his] sheep” (John 21:17). He wants you to care for them as the steward in the parable does. He asks you to give generously: of your time, your love, your faith, and—yes—your resources. As he told his disciples at another time, “Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give” (Matthew 10:8).

Do you want to know how to be ready for Jesus’ return? It’s simple: live a life of generosity in his name. Let the needs of others soften your heart so that you can give to them just as freely as Jesus has given to you.

“Lord, show me how, when, and where to distribute the ‘food’ you have given me.”

Ephesians 3:2-12
Isaiah 12:2-6
Luke 12:39-48


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