. . . to guide our feet into the way of peace.

We all long to be at peace. Surely Zechariah pondered the promise of peace as he spent nine silent months alone with his thoughts. We know that because when Zechariah’s mouth was finally opened, he proclaimed that the Messiah, whom his son would serve, had come to lead us in paths of peace (Luke 1:79).

Peace with God. Peace in our own hearts. Peace in our relationships. These are the great promises available to us because Jesus, the Prince of Peace, has come to earth (Isaiah 9:5). It’s only natural, then, to think about peace on Christmas Eve.

So how does Jesus lead us into the way of peace?

He gives us peace with God by assuring us that we are not alone. Even as we recall the challenges of 2022 and imagine the ones that might await us in 2023, we can be at peace because Jesus, “God with us,” is walking by our side through it all (Matthew 1:23).

He gives us peace within ourselves by telling us that no matter what we have done, he is always ready to offer us forgiveness. The assurance of his mercy can calm the internal conflicts that sin often stirs in us.

He helps us find peace in our relationships by giving us the grace to love people, even our enemies, as he does.

No doubt the most peaceful place to have been on that first Christmas Eve was at the manger. So tonight make the effort to spend some time there as well. Imagine the stillness of the scene. Mary and Joseph are nearby. The baby Jesus opens his eyes to look at you with an expression that says, “See how far I’ve come for you!” If only for this one moment, let him assure you that he is taking care of you. Then, in response, give him thanks and praise. Tell him that you love him. Let him fill you with the peace that sets your heart at rest and enables you to be an instrument of his peace in the world.

“Father, I rejoice that you have brought me peace through the coming of your Son, Jesus.”

2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8-12, 14, 16
Psalm 89:2-5, 27, 29
Luke 1:67-79


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