We are afflicted . . . ; perplexed . . . ; persecuted, but not abandoned.

If today is the feast of St. James, why are we reading a passage from St. Paul? Perhaps it’s because this passage captures the life of every apostle—every follower of Jesus, for that matter. Surely James had times when he could relate to feeling “afflicted,” “perplexed,” and even “persecuted” as he devoted himself to building up the Church (2 Corinthians 4:8, 9)!

Tradition tells us that some time after Pentecost, St. James traveled to the Roman province of Hispania, which is modern-day Spain, to preach the gospel. But despite his heroic, prayerful efforts, James saw very few conversions. Perplexed and frustrated, he sat down one day by the Erbo River in what is now the town of Zaragoza and poured out his heart.

James was so afflicted by doubts that he was ready to give up altogether when the Virgin Mary appeared to him. She comforted James and promised him that his efforts were not in vain. Even if he didn’t live to see it, the people of Hispania would eventually be converted. Then she told him to go back to Jerusalem.

James returned and joined the other leaders there in caring for the new converts during a time of persecution by King Herod. A few years later, he was captured by Herod’s men and beheaded (Acts 12:1-2). Because James’ heart had always been with the people of Hispania, some of his disciples took his body back there for burial in what is now the city of Compostella. Every year, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims travel the winding Camino de Santiago, which ends at the Cathedral of St. James in that city. There, in fulfillment of Mary’s promise, they thank this brave, faithful follower of Jesus for his prayers and heavenly help.

If you are facing affliction, perplexity, or even persecution, don’t give up! Remember St. James and all the apostles. No matter what they endured, Jesus never abandoned them. He won’t abandon you, either!

“Lord, give me your grace so that I can remain faithful to you, just as St. James was.”

2 Corinthians 4:7-15
Psalm 126:1-6
Matthew 20:20-28


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