What is there about his word? 

That’s a great question!   Whether it was his teaching that astonished them, or his authoritative command to an unclean spirit, something about the words of Jesus made people sit up and listen.   When Bible scholars try to describe God’s word, they say that it acts in two different ways: it is light, and it is power.   In Luke 4:36  gives us a clear example of both of these ways.

First, God’s word is light.   It reveals the meaning of things; it illuminates when something is in darkness.   As an example, think about what happened when Jesus taught in the synagogue in Capernaum.   The people were astonished and recognized his authority, yes.   But something even more striking happened right afterward: a man started shouting at Jesus.   This man didn’t burst into the synagogue; he had been there all along.   But something about Jesus’ words exposed the bondage he was experiencing.   He might not have even been aware of it, but Jesus’ word brought it to light, and it caused the man to act out.

Second, God’s word is power.   It brings things into existence according to God’s will. In the same synagogue, it wasn’t enough for Jesus just to expose the man’s oppression.   He wanted to do something about it too. So he spoke directly to the demon and commanded it to be quiet and come out of the man.   And that’s exactly what happened—without harming the man.   Imagine how wonderful that fellow must have felt!  Jesus’ mere words completely turned his life around.

Maybe God’s word will uncover something uncomfortable in you too as you ponder Scriptures.   But you don’t have to be afraid!   Jesus wants to bring his light into your life.   If his word uncovers something unexpected in you, know that he won’t leave you there.   His word is always there to set you free and make you whole.

God’s word is not just a theoretical principle.   It’s a promise.   It brings light and power.   When you read Scripture and see the man go from bondage to freedom, that is exactly what Jesus can do for you.   So take his word into your heart.   Sit with it and ponder it.   Let God speak directly to you.

Word Among Us

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