When he finds a pearl of great price, he goes and sells all that he has and buys it.
Have you ever noticed that children often become obsessed with a particular toy? They simply must have it. When they get that toy, it seems like the happiest day of their lives. But then their affection wears off, sometimes pretty quickly. And one day, that toy ends up thrown in a corner because something else has captured their attention.
This cycle of desire and boredom provides a lesson for all of us: even the best “toy” can’t satisfy what our hearts long for. Only Jesus can do that. He’s the “pearl of great price,” the only One who can give us lasting happiness (Matthew 13:46). He is worth everything we have because he’s the One who will bring us into his Father’s kingdom and ultimately to heaven.
But how do we get to the point of selling all that we have for Jesus? The truth is, even though we love the Lord, we can depend too much on the “toys” that capture our attention. We can get attached to our earthly possessions and pleasures and become distracted from the most beautiful and compelling “posession” there is: Jesus and his love for us.
The remedy for this isn’t necessarily found in getting rid of all your possessions or in saying no to everything in the world. It’s found in saying yes to Jesus. And that yes starts every day in your prayer time. It starts as you encounter him in the quiet of your heart. It starts as you see his mercy toward you and the love that led him to die for you. It grows as you envision his heavenly kingdom where he has prepared a place for you. In short, you recognize how utterly compelling and desirable he is.
So fix your eyes on Jesus! As you realize how much of a treasure he is, everything else will pale in comparison. As you come to understand how deeply he treasures you, you will treasure him all the more. Your affection for him will grow, and you will find that you aren’t as focused on material things. You’ll start seeing them for what they are—as blessings meant to help bring you closer to him.
“Jesus, you are the pearl of great price, and I want nothing more than to have you in my life!”
Jeremiah 15:10, 16-21
Psalm 59:2-4, 10-11, 17-18
Matthew 13:44-46