believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these.
That’s quite a big promise! How could any of us possibly top Jesus’ works? Not to mention, what could possibly be a “greater” work than halting a storm at sea, giving sight to the blind, or raising the dead?
Well, the first thing we should note is that whatever “works” we might do, it’s not as if we did them on our own. Any prayer answered, any hurt forgiven, any conversion sparked—it all happens because Jesus is doing those works in or through us. Jesus came to make us more and more like him, not to turn us into magicians.
What’s more, just before he made this promise, Jesus said, “The words that I speak to you I do not speak on my own. The Father who dwells in me is doing his works” (John 14:10). So for Jesus, his words are his “works”—words that have the power to calm every fear, to remove guilt, to speak healing. Words that we can share just as easily. Words that he speaks through us.
It’s important to see that Jesus wasn’t talking only about his stupendous miracles. He was also talking about the power of his words to change fallen, sinful human beings into loving, humble, and faith-filled children of God.
These are just a few of the “greater things” that we can do—and they are greater for two reasons. First, because Jesus does them through sinful vessels as ourselves. And second, because we can reach so many more people with the good news than he could when he walked the earth. Or to be more precise, Jesus is now able to reach so many more through us, his people, who are scattered throughout the world.
Do you look at the call to evangelize as a chore or an impossible task? If so, take heart. Jesus is promising that you can make a difference. He is in you and he will work through you. Whether you are evangelizing through your example, through your words, or through your prayers of intercession, you are not doing it alone!
“Jesus, I am amazed that you have promised to help me do greater works than you did!”
Acts 13:44-52
Psalm 98:1-4
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