Have you every met someone who you just know has a relationship with the Lord?  Something in the way they carry themselves or in the way they speak set them apart and make you think of the Lord.

Today’s psalm gives us some insight into how this happens.  The psalmist offers a three-step model: first, an attitude of praise permeates that person’s heart.  Then, he lets that praise issue forth from his mouth.  And finally, it flows into his relationships and affects the people around him.  Let’s take a closer look at this model.

I will bless the lord at all times.  The psalmist starts out by making a promise to keep the Lord’s goodness in his mind all the time and to praise God for it.  This does not necessarily mean that he goes around singing worship songs and blessing the Lord all the day long.  Rather, he has made it a habit to honor the Lord in his thoughts and actions.  A similar attitude can blossom in us when we take time to meditate on who God is and what he has done in our lives.  It can even help us find joy in the more difficult times of life.

His praise shall be ever in my mouth. The psalmist next moves on to focus on his words.  When our hearts are praising, our speech follows suit.  Complaining gives way to thanksgiving.  Words of frustration give way to statements of hope.  Anger and resentment give way to patience and words of blessing.  All because we know that God is in charge, even in we can not always see it.

The lowly will hear me and be glad.  Finally, the psalmist believes that his attitude and speech will inspired the people around him.  They will rejoice that someone is honoring God, and they will begin to praise hime too.

That is just the kind of impact we can have when we praise God.

Take today’s to focus on just the first step.  Write the word “praise” on a sticky note, and put it where you will see it frequently. Every time you see it, praise the Lord for just one thing.  Do not worry if you have to repeat the same thing a couple of times.  Just practiced praising the Lord, and watch to see the impact it has!

-word among us

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