Will not God then secure the rights of his chosen ones who call out to him day and night?
The widow was desperate. So day after day, she stood before this dishonest judge and pled her case. Despite the judge’s indifference, she did not give up. Instead, her pleas likely became more intense and frequent until he finally gave her a just settlement.
Now, we know that God is not like the unjust judge when we come to him in intercessory prayer. Instead, his ears are open, and he is always ready to listen to us. Still, we need to be like that widow, persevering as we intercede to God, calling out to him day and night. This “calling out” is much more than a casual hello or a quick request. It is rooted in a deep need to be heard. And that means not giving up.
So why does it seem that God delays in answering us sometimes? Because as you persist in pouring out your needs to God, you are receiving blessings that go beyond the solution to a problem or the pulling down of an obstacle. You develop a deeper relationship with him and become more like him. You take on his heart and his perspective. And that is the most important thing that can happen!
This is especially true if you don’t perceive a solution right away or if it feels as if God is not answering your prayers. The more you persevere, the more opportunity you have to offer him not only your needs but your fears, desires, and hopes. You become more eager to invite him into your heart and ask him to strengthen you.
That’s the mysterious reward of intercession. It goes beyond getting the answer you expect from your prayers. God secures your “rights” to his wisdom, his peace, his love, and his character (Luke 18:7). You develop an ever-deepening relationship with the One who gives all good gifts.
“Father, help me to persevere in calling out to you. I want to stay close to you and share your heart.”
Luke 18:1-8
3 John 5-8
Psalm 112:1-6
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