With complete assurance . . . he proclaimed the Kingdom of God. 

There was a time when Paul might have considered imprisonment a failure. Yet as the Book of Acts comes to a close, we see him with his hands in chains but his heart filled with confidence. That’s because years earlier, he had encountered the risen Lord, and that encounter changed his entire life. Now an older man, Paul had spent most of his life spreading the gospel message. Not even imprisonment could stop him!

What an example Paul is! We know how hard it can be to evangelize. A voice inside of us whispers words of doubt or fear, and we remain quiet when an opportunity to talk about the Lord arises. We want to avoid sounding awkward or too “religious,” so we avoid the subject—sometimes even when someone asks us directly about our faith.

This is where St. Paul can encourage us. His boldness in preaching the gospel sprang from his confidence in Christ. Paul knew that no matter what his circumstances, Jesus lived in him, and his Spirit would continue to fill him with God’s love. Whatever happened as a result of his preaching, he knew he could lean on the Spirit, and that gave him strength and courage. Even in prison.

But it wasn’t just Paul’s boldness that made him an effective evangelist. It was his hope. He knew that Jesus held his future in his hands, and that knowledge set him free from anxiety or timidity. It also made him more attractive—to the point that people even visited him in prison so that they could hear about the Lord from him.

So when the chance to share your faith arises, remember St. Paul. Don’t let anxiety or fear rob you of your hope. Remember that Jesus has redeemed you and that he holds your future in his loving hands. With the “complete assurance” that comes from encountering God’s love, you can joyfully and confidently tell people about the risen Christ.

“Jesus, let the message of hope in your resurrection flow from me so that others might share our joy.”

Psalm 11:4, 5, 7
John 21:20-25
Acts 28:16-20,30-31


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