You follow me. 

This wasn’t the first time Jesus had called Peter to follow him. Years ago, on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, he called Peter and his brother, Andrew, to follow him wholeheartedly. That day they left their nets and the way of life they had known and embarked on an exciting adventure with him (Matthew 4:18-20).

The call found in today’s Gospel was different. The risen Jesus had just invited Peter to “feed” and “tend” his sheep, the first believers (John 21:15, 16, 17). But Peter was wondering what would become of John. Jesus replied, “What concern is it of yours? You follow me” (21:22). Jesus had a unique call for Peter. It might look very different from his call for the other disciples. And that was okay. Jesus didn’t want Peter to waste time comparing his life to his friends and fellow apostles.

Jesus has called each of us in Baptism. But throughout our lives, he continues to lead us into a deeper faith and obedience. As we grow in maturity, he calls us to an even closer relationship with him. And while it might be tempting to wonder about what the future holds for other people, Jesus calls us to keep our eyes on him, to listen for his voice, and to go where he leads us. That’s why he’s given us his Holy Spirit, so that we can respond with a deeper, fuller yes to Jesus and his distinct call for our lives.

You follow me. These three words are very personal. Imagine Jesus speaking them specifically to you. His plans for you are unique. He loves you and knows every detail of your life—what you love and what you fear, your gifts and your struggles. His call is tailor-made for you and won’t look like anyone else’s. So don’t look around at what others are doing and try to follow them. Look to Jesus, who even today is blessing you with a calling specifically your own.

“Jesus, you have called me by name, and you know me. Your call is perfect for me. I will follow you.”

Acts 28:16-20, 30-31
Psalm 11:4-5, 7
John 21:20-25


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