You have revealed them to the childlike. 

Did you know that St. John Vianney—the patron saint of priests—almost didn’t become a priest? People considered him unqualified for seminary, let alone the priesthood. But he proved the truth of today’s Gospel: God reveals the mysteries of the kingdom “to the childlike” (Matthew 11:25).

Born in 1786 to a poor, devout couple, John worked in the fields with his parents from an early age. He received no formal education, but he memorized his prayers, received the sacraments faithfully, and decided that God was calling him to the priesthood.

His road to ordination proved difficult, however, and he struggled to pass his seminary exams. After many years, he was ordained at the age of twenty-nine and assigned to the parish in Ars in southwestern France. He seemed so unqualified that the neighboring priests petitioned to remove him, and Vianney humbly signed the petition as well!

Yet this unlikely priest became a powerful instrument for God. In addition to his ministry to the poor, he was best known for his work as a confessor. With childlike simplicity, Vianney listened for the voice of the Spirit and gained deep insight into human hearts. People traveled long distances and lined up for hours to confess to him. Under his care, Ars became known as a “hospital of souls” as he heard confessions for sixteen hours a day.

St. John Vianney readily admitted that he was an inferior scholar and public speaker with no real talent for evangelization. But he had a humble heart and a willingness to listen to God. And because of his childlike humility, he helped to renew the Church one person at a time.

You may find it hard to understand Scripture or explain your faith. You may think other people are more gifted than you are. But remember John Vianney! God reveals himself to simple humble men and women. He delights to work through ordinary people. You don’t have to be an expert. Just be open to his revelation! Seek him with a teachable heart, and you will find him.

“Father, help me to know you more. Teach me, Lord. I’m ready to listen.”

Isaiah 10:5-7, 13-16
Psalm 94:5-10, 14-15
Matthew 11:25-27


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