You . . . share in the divine nature.

As a boy, José was fascinated with outer space—so much so that he dreamed of one day becoming an astronaut. But growing up as a child of migrant workers, his dream seemed naïve. However, with the support of his parents and teachers, and despite eleven rejections from NASA, José Hernandez persisted until he did become an astronaut. Then, on August 28, 2009, he joined the mission aboard the space shuttle Discovery and fulfilled his lifelong dream—to travel among the stars!

Like José, we all have an innate desire for things that may seem impossible. We dream of a world without hunger and war. We hope for a life without heartache or death. And while we might dismiss these dreams as naïve or unrealistic, the truth is that they are God’s dreams as well. They point us to something that God himself has placed in us.

In today’s first reading, Peter writes that we “share in the divine nature” (2 Peter 1:4). That means that God’s dreams can become our dreams, too. And what is God’s dream? That his kingdom of love, peace, and freedom would be established in our hearts and all over the earth. We may not see that kingdom fully until we get to heaven, but we can see it unfolding right here and now. What’s more, we can help make this dream a reality as we develop the gifts God has given us and put them to use.

For example, are you eager to see an end to hunger? Maybe the Lord is inviting you to spend time preparing meals and sharing them with people who are less fortunate. Are you longing to see people experience peace in their hearts? Maybe God is preparing you to start a Bible study or a monthly time of Adoration at your parish.

While you may not see an end to hunger or world peace in your lifetime, remember that these are God’s dreams as well, and he’s working to bring them about—through you and so many people like you! So like José, use your gifts and persevere. If enough believers follow that model, then who knows how much good we could do? The sky’s the limit!

“Lord, thank you for your divine nature present in me. Show me how I can help to make your dreams become a reality.”

2 Peter 1:2-7
Psalm 91:1-2, 14-16
Mark 12:1-12


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