Your faith flourishes ever more.
The Thessalonians were going through a rough patch. They were being persecuted. A false prophecy or a letter forged under Paul’s name said that the Second Coming was imminent, and it left the community unsettled. Some members weren’t doing their fair share of work. Yet even though they faced all these problems, Paul opened his letter by commending them for their ever-increasing faith. Why?
Paul saw all the good that was happening among them. His word of encouragement probably helped them see it for themselves as well.
Sometimes in the face of obstacles, all we need is a kind word to keep us moving forward. When someone comments on how hard we are working, it energizes us and gives us hope. One simple word of encouragement can change the tone of an environment and bring peace to a situation on the verge of discord. Even a humble “Thank you for all you do” can brighten someone’s day.
Encouragement can start right in our own families. It can be so easy to focus on what we think needs correcting in family members. But how about pointing out all the things they are doing well instead? When we say to a teenager, “I saw how kind you were to your little brother today,” it makes her feel good about herself and will lead her to be kind to her brother in the future. When we tell our spouse, “I really appreciate how hard you are working to provide for us,” it makes him or her feel valued and appreciated.
Don’t stop with your family. Maybe at Mass you could turn to a family with small children and tell them how happy you are that they are there—even if the kids were a handful that morning. Or you could tell a coworker struggling with a tough assignment that you have confidence in her and are sure she has the gifts and ability to complete it.
Just as Paul chose to recognize the growing faith of the Thessalonians, so we can choose to see the good in people and let them know about it. Don’t ever underestimate the value of an encouraging word. You never know the good it can do!
Word Among Us
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