Now I . . . give him to the Lord.

3RD WEEK OF ADVENT Now I . . . give him to the Lord. After praying so fervently for a son, why did Hannah then leave him at the Lord’s temple at Shiloh as soon as her prayers were answered? The obvious answer is that she had made a vow. In her desperation for a child,...

Blessed are you who believed.

3RD WEEK OF ADVENT Blessed are you who believed.  Most of us have seen enough pictures and statues of Mary that we easily imagine her as a beautiful woman with a serene look on her face, eyes slightly downcast. Although these images convey Mary’s holiness and...

May it be done to me according to your word.

3RD WEEK OF ADVENT May it be done to me according to your word. This was the most important moment in Mary’s life. It was the moment she said yes to the angel Gabriel and agreed to be the Mother of God. We can only imagine how she must have felt. What amazement must...

The whole assembly of the people was praying.

3RD WEEK OF ADVENT The whole assembly of the people was praying. For many generations, the Jewish people had gathered at the Temple to pray and offer their sacrifices to the Lord. Over time, the people began adding to their prayers a longing for God’s Messiah to come...

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