Joseph . . . was a righteous man.

3RD WEEK OF ADVENT Joseph . . . was a righteous man. The word “righteous” has acquired some uncomfortable baggage in our times. It tends to be associated with self-righteousness, with an egotistical belief that one is better than those around them. But in Scripture, a...

But wisdom is vindicated by her works.

2ND WEEK OF ADVENT But wisdom is vindicated by her works.  Have you ever heard of “negativity bias”? It’s a term that describes the way many of us view the world and the events in our lives. Psychologists have found that we tend to be biased toward a negative rather...

The Lord is the eternal God.

SAINT LUCY, VIRGIN AND MARTYR (MEMORIAL) The Lord is the eternal God. We’ve all likely caught glimpses of God’s great power. Maybe we looked at the starry heavens on a clear night or watched ocean breakers surge onto the shore. We might have witnessed long-estranged...

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