Abraham . . . was empowered by faith.

When Paul was explaining to believers in Rome why faith was central to the Christian life, he reached back into Israel’s ancient past and presented the Jews’ greatest hero of faith: Abraham. Paul reminded them that Abraham’s faith empowered him to trust God. It’s what built his relationship with the Lord and made way for the fulfillment of all God’s promises.

Abraham’s story reveals an important truth: faith starts with God. It’s his gift to us. In Genesis 12, it is the Lord who takes the initiative and invites Abraham to travel to a new land, promising to make of him a great nation (12:1-2). That promise was the foundation upon which Abraham’s faith would grow. It inspired him to go forth in obedience.

As Abraham said yes to that first invitation from the Lord, his faith deepened, and he was able to obey God in the steps that followed. Paul must have had these promises from Genesis in mind when he chose Abraham as an example of faith: “I will make your reward very great” (Genesis 15:1). “Between you and me I will establish my covenant” (17:2). “I will return to you. . . , and Sarah will then have a son” (18:10). Each promise was like water to the seed of faith that the Lord gave to Abraham. And when Abraham trusted in God’s promise and obeyed him, his faith grew and deepened.

Our faith grows the same way. It starts with God, who planted the seed of faith in us at our Baptism. Just as he did for Abraham, God has made promises to us and to all who believe in him. He tells us that he will give us peace (John 14:27), that he will give us eternal life (6:54), and that he will give us the Holy Spirit (14:16-17). These promises are like water to our seed of faith. With each step of trust in God and obedience to his word, we will begin to see those promises fulfilled. And that will empower us and make our faith grow and deepen.

So today, be like Abraham. Let God’s gift of faith grow in you as you say yes to him. You can trust that he will give you the faith you need to do what he is asking—and bless you with even greater faith!

“Lord God, thank you for the gift of faith.”

Romans 4:20-25
(Psalm) Luke 1:69-75
Luke 12:13-21


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