Now that is an understatement!

The question of how to integrate Gentile converts into the almost exclusively Jewish Church was probably the most hotly debated issue the first disciples faced.  When some Jewish believers from Judea came to Antioch teaching that circumcision was necessary for salvation, the need for an answer became immediate.  Let us take a look at the details.

Faithful Jew who had embraced Jesus as the Messiah valued the Mosaic law.  It set them apart as God’s chosen people.  Their special covenant with God was precious, it demonstrated their commitment to him and his commitment to them.  It is not wonder the Jewish Christians expected Gentile believers to embrace the Mosaic Law before they became part of the Church.

Opened the door of faith

But Paul and Barnabas had seen dramatic conversions of Gentiles.  They had seen that God “opened the door of faith” to a people who had been outside of God’s covenant with Israel.  Lives were changing, and miraculous healing were taking place – all demonstrating that the Holy Spirit was at work.  In light of that, it did not seem necessary for Gentiles to convert to Judaism first.

These were challenging waters for the new Church to navigate.  What did they do?  Paul and Barnabas, along with representatives from the Jewish Christians, went to Jerusalem to consult with the apostles and elders.  They knew the questions was bigger than their own preferences, and they trusted the apostles to help them sort it out.  Because the answers would affect the entire Church, they did not want to rely on only their own inclinations.

Seek help from trusted Christians

Maybe you are facing a complex situation or a thorny problem.  You might pray and think you know what the Holy Spirit is saying on the issue.  But how do you confirm it?  One way is to talk to your pastor or trusted priest.  Either one is more than qualified.  Or talk it over with your spouse or another good friend whose Christian maturity you respect.  The Holy Spirit will always bring you clarity – and sometimes he does it through the advise of a trusted authority.  So do not hesitate to seek out that advice!

Word among us

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