As to what is within, give alms, and behold, everything will be clean for you.

Appearances can be deceiving. What looks clean on the outside might actually be covering up some evil within. That’s what Jesus was warning the Pharisee about in today’s Gospel. This man’s concern with outward piety—the prescribed washing of hands before meals—didn’t reflect the inward condition of his heart. But Jesus didn’t just criticize this Pharisee who had invited him to dinner. He offered a remedy: “Give alms” (Luke 11:41). That is what would cleanse the man’s heart.

What is it about giving alms that is so beneficial for us? When we give something away, whether it’s our money, our possessions, or our time, we have to detach from it; it’s no longer ours to keep. This has a purifying effect on us because it requires us to let go of things that in the end can never satisfy our hearts. It also requires us to think of the needs of others above our own comfort or desires.

But “giving alms” involves not just our material goods but also our thoughts, intentions, and motives. When we give these to the Lord, we are giving over to him what is most precious to us. And in surrendering these movements of our minds and hearts, we are allowing him to shine a light on anything that needs to change. It’s like taking the lid off a cup and letting the Lord scrub it clean!

What if this Pharisee had freely offered his thoughts to Jesus that day? He could have opened his heart by confessing his confusion over why Jesus was ignoring the prescribed handwashing. That could have led to a conversation that would have allowed this man to let go of his judgments and pride. It could have even helped him to recognize Jesus as Messiah.

What can you give to Jesus today? Though you might experience some resistance within you, “give alms” by letting it go and letting the Lord do his work of purification. He wants to make you clean—inside and out!

“Lord, I surrender all to you. Cleanse me through and through.”

Romans 1:16-25
Psalm 19:2-5
Luke 11:37-41


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