Saint Vincent, Deacon and Martyr (Optional Memorial)


. . . because of the crowd, so that they would not crush him. 


Reports of the healings in Capernaum had drawn a crowd—one so large that it threatened to crush Jesus.   Without phones or newspapers, mail or texts, the news had spread as far as Tyre and Sidon, about fifty miles to the north, and Idumea, more than seventy-five miles to the south.   How had accounts of Jesus’ healings reached so far?   We have to assume that one person told another, who told another, who told another.   It was almost certainly that simple.   And that powerful.

When God acts, amazement follows.   Imagine hearing of sickness healed, lifeless limbs restored, and despair and dejection banished.   If you heard enough of these healings, you might dare to think that miracles are possible even for you.   The news could rouse your hunger and give birth to hope.   Even hearing of “little” things like worries eased, an unexpected kindness, or getting a good night’s sleep could have a similar effect.

The simple spoken word is powerful, and you can share that kind of good news.   If you think God has done something in your life, tell someone about it.   If you think God has shown something to you in prayer, or if a reading at Mass resounds in your heart, tell someone.   It’s possible that you will ignite hope or faith in them.   You don’t have to dramatize it, and you don’t have to speak to multitudes.   Try telling just one person, simply and plainly, about what God has done for you.   Then leave room for the Holy Spirit to spark deeper faith.

You don’t have to convince anyone either.   God can do that, since his words and actions come with a power all their own.   The world is hungry for the presence of God, and you can point out where you see him and how you see him at work.   And if you think you have nothing to say, ask him today to give you something you can share.   Always be on the lookout for where God is at work speaking, healing, and encouraging.

“Lord, help me see where you’re working today, and give me confidence to tell someone about what you’re doing.”

1 Samuel 18:6-9; 19:1-7
Psalm 56:2-3, 9-13


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