
When John the Baptist saw Jesus coming toward him, he gave his disciples one simple command: Behold. Look intently at him. Gaze at him until you discover who he is. This was the whole reason for John’s ministry: to make Jesus known. So today, let’s heed his message and take some time to behold Jesus in prayer.

Behold . . . the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (1:29). “When I see you, Lamb of God, I see the One who came into the world to take each and every sin upon himself. I can hardly begin to grasp the massive weight of all that sin. Still, my heart is moved to praise you when I glimpse the love that led you to take away all of my own sins. You have freely given me a precious gift that I could never attain for myself. Thank you, Lord!”

Behold . . . the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit (1:33). “Jesus, the Spirit came down on you in a remarkable way at your baptism. And now you send that same Spirit to each of us at our baptism. You send him to help us know you better. You send him to share God’s life and love with us—in fact, you immerse us in it! Through this Spirit, you draw us deeper into relationship with you and your Father. Inspired with awe, I bow and praise you!”

Behold . . . the Son of God (1:34). “When I behold you, Jesus, I see more than just a teacher or moral leader. You are the only begotten, eternal Son of God. You left your heavenly glory and came to earth to redeem us and show us how to live. When I see you, Jesus, I see the Father. I also see the firstborn of many countless brothers and sisters, including myself! You have made me a child of God, an heir to your kingdom, and a dwelling place of your own Spirit. Lord, I glorify you for your love!”

“As I behold you, Jesus, I am brought to my knees in adoration and praise! I could never understand you fully, but today let me know and love you just a little bit more.”

“Lord Jesus, help me to take more time in prayer simply to behold you!”

1 John 2:29–3:6
Psalm 98:1, 3-6
John 1:29-34


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