Behold, the bridegroom!

This parable of the ten bridesmaids might seem gloomy to us, even frightening, with its locked door and grim “I do not know you”.   We might shy away from it for fear we might be found among the foolish.   But even if his strong language makes you nervous, remember that Jesus wants us to be ready to greet him when he returns.   So let’s turn to Jesus, our bridegroom, and pray:

“Lord, you know how hard it can be for me to wait. I know I should be watching for your return, but it seems so far off.   People that I love are suffering, and I am still waiting for an answer to my prayers.   People that I love have died, and I miss them—I want to see them again.   And there is so much that I don’t understand about the world.   I know that, one day, you will heal every wound and wipe away every tear.   I know that there will be no more sickness, no more suffering.   But while I wait for that day, I need to know your closeness.   Will you wait with me, Lord?   Fill me, Lord, with your hope and patience.

“Jesus, sometimes I fall asleep—but you already know that. I intend to come to you in prayer, but I get too busy.   I want to read your word, but it’s much easier to watch television or surf the Internet.   I know you would gladly fill my lamp, but I’m so drowsy that I can’t even tell when my oil supply is running low.   But none of this surprises you.   You always keep watch over me, even when I sleep.   You have plenty of oil for me: plenty of grace and strength to help me stay awake.   Fill me, Lord, with vigilance.

“Lord, when I think about your return, I start to feel nervous, not joyful. I wonder whether I am a wise or foolish disciple.   Will I be ready?   But you are the bridegroom, and you are completely committed to me.   You came once to die and rise for me, and you will come again to bring me home.   Just thinking about your love casts out my fear. I can just imagine the joy in your eyes as we both look forward to that reunion.   Fill me, Lord, with your joy.

Word Among Us

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