Break up for yourselves a new field, for it is time to seek the Lord.

Intrigues in the royal court, terrifying threats from foreign enemies, shifting diplomatic alliances, the worship of false gods—Hosea painted a picture of life in the northern kingdom of Israel as they faced exile. God’s people seemed to be relying on anything and everything except their life-giving relationship with the One who had made a covenant with them. Instead of condemning his people, though, God called them through the prophet Hosea to seek him and to break up the field of their hardened hearts (10:12).

That call still resonates today, whether our lives are just a bit out of focus or we need a bigger course correction. So let’s adopt Hosea’s metaphor. Think of your life as a field that needs some TLC to become fruitful again. Remember, every time you return to the Lord—pulling out the weeds of sin or plowing up the stony earth of a hardened heart—you are making room for the work that God is already longing to do in you.

Breaking up that field doesn’t happen overnight. It can be painstaking work. But think of how you’ve already begun! Then ask the Holy Spirit to spotlight one area where you can make a small, life-giving change. If the Spirit helps you to uproot one weed and plant one seed in its place, you will be that much more ready for God’s life to grow in you.

The process will look different for each of us. One woman caught herself growing discontented and envious as she thumbed through interior decorating magazines. She chose instead to organize one cluttered drawer and hang a cheery print on her wall. A man who had been scrolling on his phone while eating lunch at his desk decided to take a refreshing noontime prayer walk instead. One man was led to stop into a chapel for Adoration after work, while another headed straight home to lend a hand with dinner and homework.

No matter how it looks for you, take that next step to seek the Lord. Keep plowing that field! God promised that if you do, he will send his rain of justice on you to bless you and bring forth life (Hosea 10:12).

“Lord, thank you for calling me closer to yourself. Inspire me today as I seek you.”

Hosea 10:1-3, 7-8, 12
Psalm 105:2-7
Matthew 10:1-7


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