Apr 23, 2022 | Word Among Us
SATURDAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF EASTER Open to me the gates of justice. Thousands of years ago, faithful Jews would sing this verse as they passed through the gates to the holy city of Jerusalem. Now, thousands of years later, we can be confident that Jesus’...
Apr 22, 2022 | Word Among Us
FRIDAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF EASTER Jesus revealed himself again. Have you ever noticed that Jesus likes to use mealtimes to reveal himself? In his very first miracle in John’s Gospel, he provides wine for a wedding reception (John 2:1-11). He feeds thousands of people...
Apr 21, 2022 | Word Among Us
THURSDAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF EASTER Look at my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Have you ever taken a difficult class and struggled to understand the subject? Maybe you had to get extra help from the teacher after class. Perhaps the teacher had to explain a...
Apr 19, 2022 | Word Among Us
TUESDAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF EASTER Jesus said to her, “Mary!” The sound of a familiar voice can cut through a noisy crowd. An infant can recognize her mother’s voice even in the womb. And when a lost child hears a parent call his name, all is well again. In today’s...
Apr 18, 2022 | Word Among Us
MONDAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF EASTER [Jesus] poured forth the . . . Holy Spirit. Christ is risen! Alleluia! On this second day of the Octave of Easter, the Church continues to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection by turning to Peter’s famous speech on Pentecost. Throughout...
Apr 16, 2022 | Word Among Us
HOLY SATURDAY / EASTER VIGIL He is not here, but he has been raised. Have you ever walked through a cemetery? Often beautifully landscaped, a cemetery can be a serene and peaceful place. But walking among the gravestones can also be a somber, even painful, experience....
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