Open to me the gates of justice. 

Thousands of years ago, faithful Jews would sing this verse as they passed through the gates to the holy city of Jerusalem. Now, thousands of years later, we can be confident that Jesus’ resurrection has opened the gates of justice to us. So in this great season of Easter, let’s go through those gates with thanksgiving. Let’s thank Jesus, who died and rose for us. Let’s praise him for making it possible for us to come into his presence and have fellowship with him:

“Thank you, Jesus, that you have risen from the dead! All my faith flows from your resurrection, for ‘if Christ has not been raised, then empty is . . . [my] faith’ (1 Corinthians 15:14). But you have been raised, and my faith is not empty! Thank you that you are always trustworthy, always sustaining me. Thank you for your mercy that overcame death and goes on forever. Thank you that the evil one didn’t block your mercy, that the sins of mankind didn’t nullify it, and that my worst day doesn’t cancel it out. Thank you, Lord, that even when I don’t perceive it, your mercy endures forever.

“Thank you, Lord, for giving me strength and courage. Peter and John boldly declared that you had risen from the dead—not because they were naturally confident, but because you filled them with your power. Thank you that you will help me to share my faith when opportunities arise. Thank you for giving me the grace to love, to serve, and to persevere (though I may do it imperfectly). Even when I don’t feel strong or brave, you are at my side, offering me your strength.

“Thank you, Lord, for welcoming me into your presence. Here with you, I find the grace to know and love and serve you more each day. Help me to recall your goodness and the many blessings for which I can thank you. Stir up gratitude in my heart, Lord. And may my thanksgiving produce the joy, faithfulness, and willingness to speak up, like Peter and John, about what I have seen and heard.”

“I give you thanks, Lord, for you are my Savior. You have done great things for me.”

Acts 4:13-21
Mark 16:9-15
Psalm 118:1, 14-21


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