You have no idea what your life will be like tomorrow.

SAINT POLYCARP, BISHOP AND MARTYR (MEMORIAL) You have no idea what your life will be like tomorrow.  We can all vividly remember how quickly our lives changed two years ago at the onset of the global pandemic. As we lived through months of lockdown, most of our plans...

The gates of the netherworld shall not prevail.

THE CHAIR OF SAINT PETER THE APOSTLE (FEAST) The gates of the netherworld shall not prevail.  What must have been going through Peter’s mind when Jesus told him that one day he would be in charge of the Church? He probably felt some pride and pleasure, similar to the...

Have compassion on us and help us.

SAINT PETER DAMIAN, BISHOP AND DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH (OPTIONAL MEMORIAL) Have compassion on us and help us. Imagine today’s scene: a father reaches out to Jesus’ disciples because he needs a miracle. A crowd gathers. The disciples huddle around his son and command an...

This need not be so.

COMMON OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY This need not be so. How many times have we regretted words that we have spoken? Why did I say that rude thing, criticize so harshly, hurl that biting comment? Why did I curse, gossip, or flat out lie? Our tongue can be a world unto...

You see that faith was active.

6TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME You see that faith was active.  Imagine giving a bicycle to your daughter for her birthday, but she never takes it out for a ride. She has received the gift of the bicycle, but because she has yet to ride it, she isn’t using it for its...

Who do you say that I am?

THE SEVEN HOLY FOUNDERS OF THE SERVITE ORDER (OPTIONAL MEMORIAL) Who do you say that I am?  Poor Peter! He had started off so well. Jesus’ question, “Who do you say that I am?” had silenced the other disciples, but Peter spoke for all of them: “You are the Christ”...

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