Have compassion on us and help us.

Imagine today’s scene: a father reaches out to Jesus’ disciples because he needs a miracle. A crowd gathers. The disciples huddle around his son and command an evil spirit to leave. And then . . . nothing. Maybe someone from the crowd comments on their lack of power, and it touches off a heated debate. And all the while, hope fades from the dad’s face.

Isn’t it sad how this desperate plea for healing turned into an argument? The situation called for action, but the disciples became ensnared in a debate. It’s no wonder that when Jesus arrived and asked why they were arguing, they didn’t respond.

Now look at how Jesus entered this man’s world: with a question showing compassion. “How long has this been happening to him?” (Mark 9:21). He reassured the man that everything was possible through faith, then cast out the evil spirit. Finally, he reached down to gently grasp the boy’s hand and help him to his feet.

What a contrast! The disciples got caught up in a dispute, but Jesus showed only love. Love made the difference then, and it still does today! Every day we encounter people who need to experience Jesus’ love for them. They need to see that he cares for them. And they need to see it through us.

Think of how God reveals his love to you. He doesn’t just direct you from the comfortable distance of heaven. He enters into your world and helps you. As a man, Jesus walked into the desperate situations of the people he wanted to reach. He felt the pains, hungers, and needs we all feel, and he won our salvation in his own body.

Today, Jesus is inviting you to join him in entering the lives of the people he wants to reach. Is there anyone he might be pointing out to you? Be available to that person. Be ready with an encouraging word. Be ready to walk alongside them and be a part of their lives. Do this, and you will be showing Christ to another one of his children.

“Lord Jesus, lead me to the people whose lives I can touch with your love.”

James 3:13-18
Psalm 19:8-10, 15
Mark 9:14-29


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