Dec 24, 2021 | Word Among Us
4TH WEEK OF ADVENT (MASS IN THE MORNING) The dawn from on high shall break upon us. Zechariah knew he was standing on the cusp of a new era. Israel’s centuries-long wait for redemption was coming to an end, and Zechariah’s own son had been chosen to announce the...
Dec 23, 2021 | Word Among Us
4TH WEEK OF ADVENT No. He will be called John. We might be so used to the story of how John the Baptist was named that we forget the boldness in Elizabeth’s response to her family: No. Everyone expected that she would follow tradition and name him after his father,...
Dec 22, 2021 | Word Among Us
4TH WEEK OF ADVENT I prayed for this child. . . . Now I, in turn, give him to the Lord. How easy it is to let difficult or unexpected circumstances distract or derail us from following the Lord! A harsh word sets us on a path of self-pity, or that less-than-perfect...
Dec 21, 2021 | Word Among Us
4TH WEEK OF ADVENT Most blessed are you among women. What attitudes of the heart helped Elizabeth recognize and rejoice in the coming of the Messiah? As Christmas approaches, let’s spend some time reflecting on this Gospel passage so that we can learn from Elizabeth...
Dec 20, 2021 | Word Among Us
4TH WEEK OF ADVENT Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. Today’s Gospel (Luke 1:26-38) reading might call to mind familiar images we see in statues and paintings: Mary, calm and serene, with her head bowed in humility, accepts God’s will for her life. She will become...
Dec 17, 2021 | Word Among Us
3RD WEEK OF ADVENT The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David. Every Advent, we hear this genealogy as part of the Mass readings. When that happens, our first reaction may be to tune it out. We know it’s Jesus’ family tree, so it must be important....
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