Most blessed are you among women. 

What attitudes of the heart helped Elizabeth recognize and rejoice in the coming of the Messiah? As Christmas approaches, let’s spend some time reflecting on this Gospel passage so that we can learn from Elizabeth how to enter more fully into the joy of the season.

First, Elizabeth was both prayerful and open to the Holy Spirit. So as soon as Mary crossed her threshold, Elizabeth knew that her cousin was carrying the Messiah. Elizabeth had probably spent long hours in prayer contemplating her own miracle of having conceived a child so late in life, and that prayer opened her to God’s work and presence in other people as well. Perhaps we can spend a few days this week contemplating God’s work in our lives. How can we be a little more alert to him as Christmas approaches?

Second, Elizabeth focused on the people around her. We might expect her to draw attention to herself and her own pregnancy when Mary arrived—especially given Elizabeth’s long struggle with infertility. Yet she immediately rejoiced with Mary over the child Mary had conceived. Elizabeth helps us to see that our joy at Jesus’ coming can be greater as we try to think a little less about ourselves and a little more about the needs of the people around us.

Finally, we see Elizabeth’s humility as she wonders why she was chosen for so great an honor as to have the mother of her Lord both visit her and choose to stay with her for three months (Luke 1:43). What humility it must have required for Elizabeth to receive help from a woman who had been so highly favored by God! In the same way, the Lord is asking us to humbly receive whatever gifts or service he offers us through the kindness of the people around us.

In these next few days before Christmas, try going outside of yourself as Elizabeth did. Be alert to the Lord’s presence, both in the silence of your prayer and in the people around you. Humbly receive Jesus, both in the manger and in the Eucharist. Believe that as you open your heart to him, he will fill you with his joy.

“Lord, like Mary and Elizabeth, help me to rejoice at your coming this Christmas.”

Song of Songs 2:8-14
Psalm 33:2-3, 11-12, 20-21
Luke 1:39-45



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