. . . when the water is stirred up.

4TH WEEK OF LENT . . . when the water is stirred up. Water is essential for life. In extremely arid environments, plants squeeze every drop of moisture out of the soil or air to stay alive. St. John draws on this life-giving quality of water in today’s Gospel (John...

O God, be merciful to me a sinner.

3RD WEEK OF LENT O God, be merciful to me a sinner.  Even before he uttered his prayer, the tax collector’s gestures revealed what was in his heart: he stood at a distance, beat his breast, and lowered his eyes (Luke 18:13). He knew that he was a sinner in need of...

You are not far from the Kingdom of God.

3RD WEEK OF LENT You are not far from the Kingdom of God.  Imagine being told that you will receive a special present on your birthday but that you have to be at home to accept it. You spend all day at home eagerly awaiting the present—whatever it is. Around midday,...

Listen to my voice.

3RD WEEK OF LENT Listen to my voice.  Whether you’re speaking at a business meeting or giving directions to your children, it’s important to make sure that the first thing you say is the main thing you want your hearer to remember. God does that here, through...

I have come not to abolish but to fulfill.

3RD WEEK OF LENT I have come not to abolish but to fulfill.  Sixty years old. That’s the age, according to Canon Law (1252), that Catholics are no longer required to abstain from meat during the Fridays of Lent. But when a friend joked that Bill could eat a ham...

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