I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. 

Sixty years old. That’s the age, according to Canon Law (1252), that Catholics are no longer required to abstain from meat during the Fridays of Lent. But when a friend joked that Bill could eat a ham sandwich on his sixtieth birthday the following week, Bill replied, “Why would I stop now? I’ve gotten into the habit of not just abstaining from meat but of actually fasting on Fridays. Instead of eating lunch, I’ve been spending that hour at church, and I’m loving it. I feel so much closer to Jesus that I might even continue after Easter!”

Bill’s answer can help us understand Jesus’ words today about his mission to fulfill the Law and not abolish it. Jesus was speaking primarily about a fulfillment that comes from the heart, not from reluctant but dutiful acts of sacrifice. As we know, it’s easy to get into a “rules” mentality during Lent. We focus on checking off the boxes of prayer or fasting or almsgiving. But that’s not what Jesus is looking for. He wants sacrifices that come from the heart, not just through gritted teeth.

That’s why we observe Lent in the first place—to draw closer to God and to grow in love for his people. The beauty of this season is that the more we try to follow Jesus and know his love, the more we will end up following his rules.

In other words, loving Jesus and knowing Jesus will increase our desire to follow him and to make sacrifices for him. In the story above, Bill fasted from his lunch and spent time in prayer instead. And that act of sacrifice helped him love Jesus and want to continue this practice even when Lent was over. That’s sacrifice from the heart.

Let Jesus do something similar for you this Lent. Yes, he loves to see you striving to stay faithful to your sacrifices. But even more, he wants to bless each step you take toward him so that you are doing them more and more out of love.

“Lord, thank you for this season of Lent! Let me be moved by my love for you in what I do.”

Deuteronomy 4:1, 5-9
Psalm 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20
Matthew 5:17-19


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