Every sabbath, he entered into discussions in the synagogue, attempting to convince both Jews and Greeks. 

Do your days ever feel so full that you grit your teeth through the week and “thank God it’s Friday”? As the weekend rolls around, you treasure your free time—a chance to do what you want, to enjoy the people in your life, and to feel refreshed before the next week begins.

In today’s first reading, we see someone whose days were also likely long and tiring. Paul’s work as a tentmaker in Corinth was physically taxing. We can imagine that he looked forward to having some downtime. But Paul didn’t spend his day off lying on the couch. Instead, he poured his energy into doing what God had called him to do: “Every sabbath, he entered into discussions in the synagogue” (Acts 18:4).

Paul’s passion was focused on the purpose God had given him: to preach the gospel to everyone in the city who hadn’t heard it. Even though he set out to “not burden anyone” by working as a tentmaker (2 Corinthians 11:9), he kept his eyes on his true objective.

When we’re very busy, giving up our precious free time is hard! Of course, the Lord wants us to rest and to enjoy the people in our lives. Yet, like Paul, we can be assured that God will also give us strength to do whatever he leads us to. You might ask him today, Is there any of my free time that you would like me to use differently? Perhaps he will alert you to an opportunity to help someone or bring to mind a friend or coworker that you could spend time with. Or maybe, like Paul, he will ask you to share the gospel in a new way.

On the other hand, some of us are in the habit of saying yes to so many things that we constantly feel exhausted. If that sounds familiar, ask the Lord for clarity today. What are those things, if any, that you would like me to stop doing? Am I getting the rest and refreshment that I need? Sometimes the answer isn’t clear or takes time to unfold. But trust that as you surrender your time—even your free time—to the Lord, he will give you the wisdom to find balance and fulfill his purpose for you.

“Lord, thank you for showing me what to focus on today.”

Acts 18:1-8
Psalm 98:1-4
John 16:16-20


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