Jun 9, 2020 | Word Among Us
SAINT EPHREM, DEACON AND DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH (OPTIONAL MEMORIAL) You are the salt of the earth. We all know that salt makes us thirsty. So when Jesus tells his disciples that they are the salt of the earth, we understand that he is calling them to...
Jun 8, 2020 | Word Among Us
10TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME I lift up my eyes toward the mountains In the Bible, we usually associate mountains with closeness to God because of how mountains seem to stretch toward the heavens. Mountains also have an important place in salvation...
Jun 6, 2020 | Word Among Us
SAINT NORBERT, BISHOP (OPTIONAL MEMORIAL) She, from her poverty, has contributed all she had. It might seem foolish that this old woman gave her last few coins to the Temple collection. As a widow, she probably had no source of income; she may have...
Jun 5, 2020 | Word Among Us
SAINT BONIFACE, BISHOP AND MARTYR (MEMORIAL) David himself calls him ‘lord’; so how is he his son? Are you a fan of brainteasers and riddles? You know, the ones that go like this: if the only sister of your mother’s only brother has an only child, what...
Jun 4, 2020 | Word Among Us
9TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME The word of God is not chained As Paul sat in chains, he could have focused on how hopeless his situation seemed. But instead, he held on to hope—not the hope of being released, but hope in the power of the word of God. He...
Jun 3, 2020 | Word Among Us
SAINT CHARLES LWANGA AND COMPANIONS, MARTYRS (MEMORIAL) A spirit . . . of power and love and self-control . . . Do you ever feel a little anxious when you look at the state of the world? That’s probably how Paul’s young friend, Timothy, felt. It...
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