She, from her poverty, has contributed all she had. 


It might seem foolish that this old woman gave her last few coins to the Temple collection.   As a widow, she probably had no source of income; she may have very well needed those few cents to buy her dinner.   We don’t know exactly what motivated her to do this, but we do know one thing for sure: she trusted God.   She trusted that even as she gave so much, God would provide for her.

In many ways, trust is the foundation of generosity.   When we give something away to someone else, we have to trust that God will fill our lack.   If we donate to our parish, we have to trust that we will still have enough to pay our bills and save for the future.   If we stay up late talking to a friend in distress, we have to trust that God will get us through the next day with less sleep.   If we volunteer on Saturdays at a homeless shelter, we have to trust that we will still be able to get all our errands and chores done before we go back to work on Monday.

The truth is, the more we practice generosity, the more our trust in God grows. It often takes a leap of faith to believe that we really will have enough money, time, or energy if we give it away.   But when we make a decision to be generous, we are demonstrating our trust in God.   We are giving him the opportunity to show us how he cares for us. Either he will supply what we lack, or he will give us the grace to do without.   In either case, we will be blessed.

Jesus commended this poor widow, and he commends us when we stretch out our hands to help and support people in need.   He knows it will help us grow closer to him even as it benefits the people we are serving.   So the next time you have the opportunity to give generously, think of it as an act of trust in the Lord.   Then look for the ways God cares for you.   Remember, you can’t outdo God in generosity!

“Jesus, I trust in you. Help me to become more and more generous—just as you are with me.”

2 Timothy 4:1-8
Psalm 71:8-9, 14-17, 22


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