Feb 15, 2020 | Word Among Us
Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary Taking the seven loaves he gave thanks, broke them, and gave them to his disciples to distribute. Did you ever stop on a hiking trail because the scene before you was amazing, only to find that, a few steps further on,...
Feb 14, 2020 | Word Among Us
Saints Cyril, Monk, and Methodius, Bishop (Memorial) My people heard not my voice. Do you remember how the kingdom of Israel was formed? Wanting to be just like all the pagan nations around them, God’s people asked the prophet Samuel for a king, so he...
Feb 13, 2020 | Word Among Us
5th Week in Ordinary Time The demon has gone out of your daughter. What a relief! Finally, after all her begging and pleading, the woman prevailed upon Jesus to cast a demon out of her daughter. She knew that according to social and ethnic...
Feb 12, 2020 | Word Among Us
5th Week in Ordinary Time The things that come out from within are what defile. Nutritionists are often telling us to be careful about the amount of sugar, sodium, and fat in our diets. But staying away from unhealthy foods isn’t enough. We also need...
Feb 11, 2020 | Word Among Us
Our Lady of Lourdes (Optional Memorial) Can it indeed be that God dwells on earth? “Father, is it possible? Can you really dwell on earth? King Solomon wondered this as he dedicated his Temple to you. ‘If the heavens and the highest heavens cannot...
Feb 10, 2020 | Word Among Us
Saint Scholastica, Virgin (Memorial) As many as touched it were healed. Jesus’ reputation for healing was spreading—so much so that people were bringing him the sick “to wherever they heard he was” (Mark 6:55). And even those who just touched the...
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