We are in the one who is true, . . . Jesus Christ

Christmas Weekday   We are in the one who is true, . . . Jesus Christ.  John was addressing a community that was going through a difficult time.   Some people were getting sidetracked by philosophies that didn’t line up with the gospel, and as a result, they...

I do will it. Be made clean

Christmas Weekday   I do will it. Be made clean.   Last September, the Vatican opened the cause for canonization of John Bradburne, a British man who died in 1979 after spending fifteen years serving people with leprosy in Zimbabwe.   Bradburne was known and...

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me

Christmas Weekday   The Spirit of the Lord is upon me.    It’s obvious that Jesus said these words about himself.   But can you believe that the very same thing could be said about you?   Everyone who has been baptized into Christ has received his Holy...

They were completely astounded

Christmas Weekday   They were completely astounded.    “Does not compute.”   In older television shows, when we still imagined artificial intelligence having limitations, a robot would make that statement when given a command or information that did not make...

[Jesus] left Nazareth and went to live in Capernaum

Saint André Bessette, Religious (Optional Memorial)   [Jesus] left Nazareth and went to live in Capernaum.    Finally, Jesus’ hidden life has come to an end.   Through his baptism and his time of fasting in the desert, his mission has come into clearer...

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