Jesus wants friends

I never knew you Have you ever known a namedropper?   You know, someone who always mentions the important people he or she knows?   Usually, the person is exaggerating, with some distant connection or contact turning into  “I know that person well!” In today’s Gospel...

I am your shield

Fear not, Abram! I am your shield; I will make your reward very great When Abram was seventy-five years old, God made a covenant with him and promised that he would become the father of many nations (Genesis 12:1-4).   In today’s reading (Genesis 15:1), years have...

Help me to stay on the path that leads to life

How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life In C. S. Lewis’ book The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, a young girl named Lucy stumbles into a big wardrobe crowded with fur coats.   She scrambles to the back of it, only to find that she has...

What’s in a name?

He will be called John “What’s in a name?” This famous question from Shakespeare seems to say that what you call someone doesn’t matter;   only the person’s character is important.   But in Scripture, names matter quite a bit.   They often signify a person’s character...

He wants to spend time with you

As the day was drawing to a close . . .  Why did Jesus keep the people so late?   Was he unaware of the passing of time?   Or was he so caught up with healing them that he forgot that they would need to eat?   Neither scenario is very likely.   Jesus was always aware...

Help Me to Hear Your Voice

Therefore I tell you . . .  What a treasure we have in the Gospels!   We can ponder the words and teachings of Jesus whenever we want.   We don’t have to guess at what he would say if he were here today because his words are not about abstract issues.   They may seem...

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