Therefore I tell you . . . 

What a treasure we have in the Gospels!   We can ponder the words and teachings of Jesus whenever we want.   We don’t have to guess at what he would say if he were here today because his words are not about abstract issues.   They may seem extremely difficult at times, but they are always practical teachings that we can live out every day.

Part of the challenge, though, is figuring out exactly how we should apply Jesus’ words to our situations.   Oftentimes, the answer is not always clear.   But if we were to use the ancient practice of lectio divina in our reading, we might find it a little easier.   This way of reading Scripture can be summarized in four steps:


Quiet yourself, and invite the Holy Spirit to speak to you.   Then slowly read the passage you have chosen.   You might choose one of the Mass readings from the day or work your way through one of the Gospels.   Ask yourself, “What does this passage say?”   Even if you’re already very familiar with the passage, listen for the “still small voice” of God to bring a fresh insight to your mind (1 Kings 19:12).


Take time to ponder what stood out from your reading of the passage.   Ask yourself, “How do these verses relate to my personal life?”   Perhaps a past memory or a current struggle or a worry about the future will come up in your mind.   Hold onto that thought and bring it with you to the next step.


Talk with God about this passage and how it relates to you.   Ask him,  “How are you using these words to speak to me, Lord?   How should I respond to you?”   Feel free to talk with him as you would talk with a close friend.   Ask questions and open your heart to God.


In the end, spend some time quietly with God.   This is the time for listening, not talking.   God may give you insight into how this passage applies to you.   Or he may teach you or guide you in something altogether different.

Jesus is still speaking through his word.   Set aside some time to listen.

Word Among Us

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