Dec 14, 2019 | Word Among Us
Saint John of the Cross, Priest and Doctor of the Church (Memorial) Whose glory is equal to yours? Superheroes may be the stuff of fiction, but if we turn to the Bible, we find plenty of people who perform incredible feats that are out of the ordinary. ...
Dec 13, 2019 | Word Among Us
Saint Lucy, Virgin and Martyr (Memorial) I, the Lord, your God, teach you what is for your good. Imagine getting instruction from Bill Gates on computers, Serena Williams on tennis, or Gordon Ramsay on cooking. It would be spectacular, wouldn’t it? Well,...
Dec 12, 2019 | Word Among Us
Our Lady of Guadalupe (Feast) Do not be afraid, Mary. Mary was “greatly troubled,” both by the sudden and unexpected appearance of an angel and by what the angel said to her (Luke 1:29). But the angel assured her: “Do not be afraid” (1:30). What a...
Dec 11, 2019 | Word Among Us
Saint Damasus I, Pope (Optional Memorial) You will find rest. Scripture tells us that rest was part of God’s plan from the beginning: “God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work he had done in creation”...
Dec 10, 2019 | Word Among Us
2nd Week of Advent Will he not . . . go in search of the stray? There’s nothing like a parable to illustrate a spiritual point in a new way or to offer new insight to a familiar point. Jesus used these short stories drawn from everyday life to...
Dec 9, 2019 | Word Among Us
The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Patronal Feastday of the USA (Solemnity) Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you. If you have any experience of motherhood, you know that it takes a lot of faith. In many ways, it’s something...
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