Help Me to Hear Your Voice

Therefore I tell you . . .  What a treasure we have in the Gospels!   We can ponder the words and teachings of Jesus whenever we want.   We don’t have to guess at what he would say if he were here today because his words are not about abstract issues.   They may seem...

I too will boast

I too will boast Don’t you find it funny that Paul would condemn those who boast, but then turn around and spend a lot of time boasting himself?   He goes to such great lengths to tell the Corinthians about his credentials as an apostle and about all the hardships he...

The Gift of Forgiveness

If you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive your transgressions For hiding Jews in her home during World War II, Corrie ten Boom was imprisoned in the infamous Ravensbruck concentration camp.   She survived the Holocaust, and after the war, she...

You are being enriched

You are being enriched in every way for all generosity Have you ever been asked to make a contribution to a good cause at a time when you were worried about paying the next bill?   When Paul decided to take up a collection for the Christian community in Jerusalem,...

Simply to make you rich

Jesus Christ . . . became poor although he was rich, so that by his poverty you might become rich In a surprising headline in 2010, Austrian millionaire Karl Rabeder announced that he was selling all of his properties and businesses.   At age forty-seven, he had...

Merciful Commandment

When someone strikes you on your right cheek, turn the other one to him as well No pain, no gain.   You reap what you sow.   The punishment should fit the crime.   These sayings express our belief in natural consequences and proportional justice.   In today’s Gospel...

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