Search the Scriptures

Search the Scriptures Have you ever picked up your Bible, read a passage from it, and then sat back and wondered what in the world God was trying to say to you?   It’s possible that you may have walked away and decided either that you were spiritually deaf or that the...

Jesus, be my comfort today

The Lord comforts his people When you think about being comforted, you might imagine someone putting their arms around you or speaking encouraging words when you were hurt or sick or upset.   You might recall moments from childhood when your mother knew just the right...

Do you want to be well?

“Do you want to be well?” What kind of question is that?   Of course this man wants to be healed!   He’s been waiting thirty-eight years for a healing. So why would Jesus ask him that question?   Why wouldn’t he just go ahead and heal the man?   Notice that instead of...

I am about to create

I am about to create For centuries it has been traditional for baptismal fonts to have eight sides.   The first seven sides were meant to represent the seven days of creation.   The eighth side, however, represented God’s ongoing, unending work of creation, both in...

Spoke this Prayer to himself

The Pharisee took up his position and spoke this prayer to himself At first blush, the Pharisee’s prayer seems full of thanksgiving.   But the more he speaks, the clearer it becomes that his field of vision is so full of himself that he never catches a glimpse of...

Return to God, your Lord

Return, O Israel, to the Lord, your God Few things are more painful than the betrayal of an unfaithful spouse.   That’s why the Book of Hosea is especially moving for us:   it portrays God’s relationship with Israel through Hosea’s heartbreaking marriage.   Through...

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