I desire mercy

I desire mercy. Imagine you’ve come to your doctor’s office for the results of your routine physical.   As you sit waiting for your appointment, you notice that many of the people around you are suffering from a variety of ailments.   “Wow, I’m glad I’m not like any...

I was no prophet

I was no prophet.  How could Amos not be a prophet?   He spoke prophetic words to the people of God!   Amos didn’t deny proclaiming a prophetic word to Israel, but at the same time, he refused to be called a professional seer.   He was just a farm worker in the...

When they came to the town they reported everything.

When they came to the town they reported everything.  Shouting demoniacs, possessed pigs, sprinting swineherds, and terrified townspeople—this has to be one of the most colorful stories in Matthew’s Gospel!   But did you know that this is also the first story about...

You are

You are . . . members of the household of God.  “Where did I come from?”   The question seems to be ingrained in us.   We make family trees, talk about our great grandparents, and pass down family recipes for generations.   Now we can even find out about our genetic...

In no one in Israel have I found such faith

In no one in Israel have I found such faith.  This Roman centurion certainly had a lot of faith!   He loved his servant so much that he was willing to go outside his comfort zone and ask a Jewish rabbi for help.   It was his love and his faith that moved Jesus to...

He gave orders to cross to the other shore

He gave orders to cross to the other shore. Doesn’t it seem, at first, that Jesus is annoyed with everyone in Scripture?   First, he tries to get away from the crowds, then when a scribe and a disciple declare their desire to follow him, he seems to pour a bucket of...

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