I embrace victory

Today the Lord shall deliver you into my hand. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to throw a rock at your problems and watch them all disappear?   This is what David did: he chucked a tiny stone at Goliath, and the dreaded giant collapsed. But there was more to this story than...

The Lord looks into the heart

The Lord looks into the heart. The stakes were high.   Samuel was in the middle of deciding which of Jesse’s sons should be anointed king of Israel.   If Samuel looked only at how tall or strong the young men were, he might overlook David, the youngest and seemingly...

Teach me to welcome you

He that offers praise as a sacrifice glorifies me. “I am doing now what I will do for all eternity.   I am blessing God, praising him, adoring him, and loving him with all my heart.” These words come from Brother Lawrence, a monk who lived in seventeenth-century...

May we all be open to the generous gift of one another

When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Child, your sins are forgiven.”  This is such a spectacular miracle and such an encouraging story about Jesus’ power to forgive that we might miss one small but important detail.   Jesus forgave this man and...

I need your touch

He stretched out his hand.  In Jesus’ day, skin diseases like leprosy had a profound effect on people’s relationships.   Considered unclean and even contagious, lepers were cast out of their homes and villages.   They were forced to keep their distance from anyone...

Come and Fill Me with your Peace

The tottering gird on strength.  In scripture,  psalm give us before and after snapshots of Hannah that can help us understand how dramatically God changed her heart—she went from weeping bitterly to joyfully proclaiming God’s faithfulness.   But what happened in...

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