You were baptized

You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased. Unlike most people, who were baptized as infants, Ron remembers well the day he was baptized because he was an adult when it happened.   For him, it was far more than a step his parents took for him so that he could...

Baptized you with water

I have baptized you with water; he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit. If you were to look at John the Baptist from a worldly perspective, you might consider him a poor reflection of Jesus, the   One he came to herald.   You might see him as a tough guy preaching a...

We should love one another

We should love one another.  Nobody said following Christ would be easy.   Thoughts of self-denial, of carrying the cross, even of martyrdom come to mind.   Such grand sacrifices, though, begin with the commission John gives in today’s first reading: love one...

Behold, the Lamb of God

Behold, the Lamb of God.  It can be easy to miss Jesus.   Just ask John the Baptist.   John knew he had been called to prepare the way for the Messiah.   He was even Jesus’ kinsman!   But still, by his own admission, John “did not know him”.   He didn’t fully...

I am blessed to be your child

We are God’s children now; what we shall be has not yet been revealed.  Everyone knows that children take after their parents.   Well, if God is our Father, then it naturally follows that we take after him.   Let’s look at two analogies that can help us understand...

Remain in him

Remain in him. John knows exactly what we need as we shift to a slower pace.   He uses the word “remain” six times in this passage alone—a word that can also be translated as “abide.”   Today, we might talk about “settling into” or “resting in” something solid and...

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