Every tree is known by its own fruit

Every tree is known by its own fruit.  “Tell me who your friends are, and I’ll tell you who you are.”   This old adage has much gospel truth within it.   In fact, today’s reading about fruit trees says something very similar.   How and where you are rooted show the...

Deepen my roots of faith, Lord

As you received Christ Jesus the Lord, walk in him, rooted in him. St. Paul encourages us to remain rooted in Jesus, whatever our circumstances.   But that can be easier said than done.   Here’s one reader’s story about how she and her family sought to do just this...

Come into my heart today

In God be at rest, my soul. A peasant regularly sat at the back of an empty church in Ars, France, gazing at the tabernacle.   When the village priest asked him what he was doing, the peasant replied, “I look at him, and he looks at me.”   What a beautiful...

You are thinking

Poor Peter! He had just confessed that Jesus was the “Messiah, the Son of the living God,” and Jesus had just congratulated him for his keen insight. Surely Peter was elated. But just moments later, Jesus is rebuking him in the harshest terms for trying to keep him...

God’s Will

that you may be filled with the knowledge of God’s will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.  What do you think when you hear the phrase “God’s will”?   Often enough, we think of it as a predetermined script that we are handed.   Our role is spelled...

will come down from heaven

The Lord himself . . .will come down from heaven A family had the car packed for vacation, and everyone eagerly piled in.   But you can imagine what happened after they had gone just a little way: a young voice from the backseat called out, “Are we there yet?”   That...

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