Refresh me so that I can strengthen your people

After staying in Antioch some time, Paul left and traveled.  Paul’s experience reminds us of one practical way that God can fill us, through our brothers and sisters in Christ. Coming Home Nothing is more refreshing than coming home!  Our strength and joy are...

No one will take your joy away from you

Joy can not be taken away What a promise, joy that can not be taken away!  Who would not want that?  It seems simple.  Jesus tells his disciples that the joy of seeing him again will wipe away all memory of their suffering, just as a woman in labor...

A man named Titus Justus

Paul and Titus Paul must have been pretty angry to shake out his garments and give up on the Jews in Corinth.  But look!  Just a few lines later, we read that the ruler of the synagogue and his whole family were converted, forming the foundation of the Corinthian...

I have much more to tell you

Many of us are familiar with the television commercials that tell us, “But wait, there’s more!”.  Jesus has more for you too and you do not have to pay any additional shipping or handling charges.  More knowledge, more wisdom, more understanding,...

Sin and righteousness and condemnation

If you were to read this line out of context, it might sound like the start to a fire and brimstone sermon. But it is not. It is a description of three key roles of the Holy Spirit. Role of the Holy Spirit Scripture tell us, that the disciples are coming to the...

Lydia listened, and the Lord opened her heart

Lydia prayed Praying at the river’s edge in Philippi, Lydia probably did not realized that she was also in the path of a second river, a stream of divine grace! One of the worshipers present on that Sabbath was the apostle Paul, and the message he shared about...

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