They begged him to leave.

SAINT ELIZABETH OF PORTUGAL (OPTIONAL MEMORIAL) They begged him to leave.  In today’s Gospel, Jesus heals two demon-possessed men who were so savage that no one could travel along the road they inhabited. You’d think the townspeople would be thrilled to have their...

Don’t look back.

INDEPENDENCE DAY (USA) (OPTIONAL MEMORIAL) Don’t look back. Lot and his family had been warned. God was allowing them to flee the city of Sodom before its destruction, with one condition: they must not look back. Lot’s wife didn’t listen, however, and she was turned...

You are fellow citizens with the holy ones

SAINT THOMAS, APOSTLE (FEAST) You are fellow citizens with the holy ones . . . , built upon the foundation of the Apostles. When you think of yourself as a “fellow citizen” of God’s household and imagine yourself standing alongside all the true saints of the Lord, you...

He . . . touched him, and said, “I will do it.”

THE FIRST MARTYRS OF HOLY ROMAN CHURCH (OPTIONAL MEMORIAL) He . . . touched him, and said, “I will do it.” Picture the scene: a man bows before Jesus and says, in effect, “I believe that, if you want to, you have the power to heal me.” Then, with great tenderness and...

Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you

SAINTS AND PETER AND PAUL, APOSTLES (SOLEMNITY) Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father. You’ve probably heard the phrase “diamond in the rough.” It’s a reminder that diamonds don’t begin as beautiful gemstones. Most have been formed far...

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